Zitat des Tages

von Hans – Willi Herrmann

Das folgende Zitat habe ich durch Zufall kürzlich auf einer Foto- Homepage gefunden.

Es schrieb der mir bis dato unbekannte Scott Bourne, nach eigenen Beschreibung „Publisher Photofocus, Founder Netradio/First-TV, Owner Bourne Motoro Sports – photographer, social marketer, author, teacher, speaker, race car driver/team owner and guy with gray hair for rent.“ in seinem Resumee „Five Changes For The Worse In Photography“:

5. The advent of naked aggression in the form of vicious critiques by anonymous cowards, attacks by trolls and general nasty behavior toward photographers online have driven many people out. It’s too bad because the Internet could have been used by these people to advance themselves. Instead they used it to destroy others.

It’s not too late to turn these trends around, but I don’t see that as my job. I am retiring so it will be up to whoever else is still standing to decide if they want to make this a better world for photography or not.


Und jetzt ersetzen wir „Fotografie“ durch Zahnmedizin und  bekommen so eine treffende Beschreibung des Status Quo des dentalen Internet – Universums.